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What to do if you are worried about a child

Local Training Offers

BWSCP (Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership) are committed to ensuring that people have the skills an knowledge necessary to have a positive impact on safeguarding outcomes for children.

All those who work directly or indirectly with children require some degree of safeguarding training either through e-learning or by attendance at a course. The BWSCP provides a blended approach utilising both e-learning and face-to-face courses.

BWSCP Learning and Improvement Framework

How to access learning in your local area

BWSCP provide a programme of learning and development in the form of multi-agency forums, briefings and newsletters. 

You can also access safeguarding training via your own organisation or Local Authority area training team:

Brighter Futures for Children: 0118 9374212, learning@brighterfuturesforchildren.org

West Berkshire Council: 01635 503033, training@westberks.gov.uk 

Wokingham Borough Council: 0118 9746780, HREnquiries@wokingham.gov.uk

Royal Berkshire Hospital: 0118 3228290, carrie.wilkins@royalberkshire.nhs.uk

Education Sector

The following document outlines the current Local Authority Training offer for education colleagues in Reading, West Berks and Wokingham:
School Safeguarding Training

Voluntary and Community Sector

We all have a responsibility to help keep children safe. Organisations working with children and young people must have safeguarding policies and procedures in place and be able to respond to child protection concerns.  The NSPCC has produced a range of resources for voluntary and community sectors.  Please click here for further information.



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