What to do if you are worried about a child

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

If you are having mental health problems, you are not alone. 1 in 4 of us will have problems with our mental health at some point in our lives.

Sometimes it can feel like we don't have any control over what we think or how we feel. At these times we many need to ask for help to make us feel better.

Below are some local websites for mental health support:

Reading - Brighter Futures for Children

West Berkshire - Emotional Health Academy

Wokingham - Emotional and mental health support for young people

Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Family Service - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Childline - Your feelings, anxiety, stress, panic and worries

Self Harm

For many young people, self-harm can feel like a way to cope with difficult feelings. The physical pain of hurting themselves can feel like a distraction from the emotional pain they're suffering.  Self-harm is difficult to talk about but it’s a common problem and you can overcome it.  If you are worried for yourself or a friend then there is help and support out there for you.  You are not alone.  Below are some links for advice and guidance that you may find helpful.

YoungMinds: What is Self Harm? - YoungMinds - What is Self Harm

Childline: Self Harm Advice - Childline - Self Harm Advice

NSPCC: Self Harm Advice - NSPCC - Self Harm Advice

NHS: Self Harm Help - NHS Self Harm Help

NHS: Taking Care of your emotional health - Taking care of your emotional health

NHS: Every Mind Matters - Every Mind Matters

If you think you or someone you know is affected by self-harm then please talk to someone, this could be a parent, friend or a relative you trust.  You can also talk to your doctor.  Below are some links to support that is on offer to help if you or someone you know is struggling.


  • www.youngminds.org.uk
  • Provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis


  • www.samaritans.org
  • If you're in distress and need support, you can ring Samaritans on 116 123 for free at any time of the day or night.


  • www.childline.org.uk
  • If you're under 19 you can confidentially call, email, or chat online about any problem big or small. Call the freephone 24 hour helpline on: 0800 1111
  • Sign up for a childline account on the website to be able to message a counsellor anytime without using your email address

Calm Harm app 

  • www.calmharm.co.uk 
  • A free app providing support and strategies to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm
  • Download from Google Play or App Store
Website by Taylorfitch